Keyword: interest rate
A Nation of Money Hoarders (11/9/2001)
When the general price level keeps falling in a depressed economy with high unemployment, firms and consumers might not invest or consume more no matter how low the interest rate is. Instead, they would rather hold on to the money they already have or convert other assets into money.
Bond Free? (5/12/2010)
Treasury bonds are important instruments in regulating the money supply.
Bubble Economics (6/17/2010)
Run-away securitization of housing mortgages abetted by loose credit rating, shaky credit default swaps, and cheap money led to a huge housing bubble in the US.
Deficit and Debt (11/2/2011)
Chronic budget deficits could lead to a ballooning debt/GDP ratio.
Harvesting the Future (12/21/2001)
Injury victims might be prevented from selling their streams of future settlement payments for a lump sum for fear that they might not spend their quick cash wisely.
Savers, Suckers? (5/12/2010)
Savers are collateral damage in the Fed’s attempt to resuscitate a comatose economy during the Great Recession.